Avoid the “airport rush” - 5 Tips for having a fun staycation

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Although it may have become more popularized as a result of the pandemic, Staycations are a great way to explore your local neighborhood, rest and re-energize without the demanding aspects of traveling, and to get creative. It can also serve as a cost effective alternative for travel, especially with the busy holiday seasons coming up. Interested in planning your next staycation? Leverage these 5 tips to make it an enjoyable one!

How to Prepare for a Staycation

what should be top of mind?

Treat and prepare for this experience like you would an actual vacation. Use this opportunity to make new memories and experiences!

  • Plan: Plan, plan, plan as you would for a regular vacation! Identify your goals, what you want to achieve and accomplish, how you want to spend your time (this can vary from being active to doing nothing and resting), timeframe, budget, and parameters/ boundaries for your staycation. 

  • Research: Once you’ve identified your goals and how you want to spend your staycation, research and identify all the information that is needed to make your dream staycation happen! Maybe you’re interested in local hotels that are great for a staycation? Opportunities to be outdoors? Activities to do in your area? New restaurants and cuisines to try? Alternatively maybe you want to stay home and are in search of new recipes to try, how to change up your space, or new hobbies? Whatever you’re interested in, find out all there is to do. 

  • Solidify plans: Okay, okay, you’ve started to brainstorm and you’ve done your research…..what comes next you ask? Create an itinerary and solidify your plans! Some individuals love creating a very detailed and specific itinerary where they map out a daily plan, while others enjoy having a general itinerary but allowing the days to be flexible. On the complete opposite end are individuals who enjoy having no plans at all and being completely spontaneous. There’s no “one size fits all” and it is best to do what works for you!

  • Go Enjoy: You’ve identified how you want to spend your staycation and have a plan (whatever that may look like for you) in place, now it’s time to ENJOY! Go and enjoy your dream staycation!

5 Tips to get the Most out of your Staycation

Tips, tips, tips.

1.) Get out of your comfort zone! Start by getting out of your regular routine or what you’re familiar with (#changeitup). If you’re interested, book a local getaway at a hotel, home rental, retreat, etc for a couple days! This could be in a new neighborhood and area you’ve never been to, at a new hotel you’ve wanted to try, or could be a chance to get out in nature. Alternatively if you’re interested in staying at home, clean up, decorate, or change up your space. Create an atmosphere that brings you joy! #changeitup

2.) Explore! Use this Staycation as a chance to get to know or re-learn the things there are to do in your area. Research top activities, things to do, and talk to friends and family to get recommendations on what they enjoy and recommend doing in the area. Take advantage of the moment and explore new activities in your area you’ve never done before or redo things you’ve done previously and enjoyed. Some examples of things to do include, exploring new hobbies and taking classes, checking out different neighborhoods, visiting museums, watching a show or concert, nature activities, and much more!

3.) Try New things! What’s a staple that people always look forward to about vacation? The opportunity to try new things! Same goes for a StayCATION. Use this chance to try something new. It could be exploring different cuisines (such as trying a new restaurant or recipe), reading a new book, watching a new show or movie, getting into a new hobby or diving further into your existing hobbies. Either way, leverage this staycation to challenge yourself and try something new. 

4.) Take Advantage of Day trips! Have you always wondered what’s around the surrounding area of the city or town you’re in? Use this opportunity for a day trip or excursion to places that are just a couple hours drive away. When you’re on vacation, day trips are always an option, so why not do the same on a staycation? Research excursions that could be 30 minutes or a couple hours away, and go explore! 

5.) PAMPER YOURSELF! What else is a must on vacation? Treating yourself! Do you have that 1 thing that you always look forward to doing while on vacation? It could be “boat days” (if you’re somewhere warm), having a massage or going for a spa day, trying out a new activity or new foods. Whatever it is, incorporate it into your staycation and carve out special time to do it. Make that a major moment and experience of your staycation. It really goes a long way! For example, I love sleeping in and walking tours. So I always incorporate that into my staycations. Be sure to do what works for you!

Del Mar, DC


A staycation provides the opportunity to get creative and curate the local holiday of your dreams! Leverage your next staycation to explore, to try new things, pamper yourself, and rest and re-energize for the season ahead. 

StayCATION Mood*

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